Perinatology (High-Risk Pregnancy Department)

  • One of the goals of establishing this hospital was to prevent the deaths of ivf-conceived babies due to premature birth, which is still considered a tragedy in many centers.
  • In addition to providing care and preventing premature births, a well-equipped NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) was also set up in this hospital to ensure the survival of premature infants. This hospital is proud to have kept premature babies alive and healthy even at 25 weeks weighing 500 grams.
  • Another mission of this hospital is to prevent maternal deaths during childbirth due to severe bleeding or amniotic fluid embolism, (and we have even preserved these mothers’ uteruses).
  • Among the complications of pregnancy, one can mention ectopic pregnancy, which is quickly diagnosed and surgically treated using laparoscopy, and the patient can return home the next day.
  • Another issue is recurrent miscarriages, which are caused by anatomical, genetic, and immunological defects, leading to repeated miscarriages. With reconstructive surgeries, ICSI, PGD, or lymphocyte therapy, we have been able to provide significant help to these individuals.
  • Another issue is the fetus's sensitivity to the mother's Rh-negative blood group, which ultimately leads to severe anemia and fetal death inside the womb. By using the Intrauterine Transfusion (IUT) method, we have been able to keep the fetuses alive until they are capable of surviving outside the womb.
  • Pain-free childbirth started as a routine procedure in this hospital for the first time.
  • Water birth as well as the presence of the husband during childbirth began in this hospital for the first time after the revolution.