IPD (International Patient Department)

This department is established specifically for international patients and includes a clinic and an inpatient department. It offers welfare facilities and a specialised medical team ready to serve these valued guests. The team is fully proficient in international languages, and interpreters are also used if needed.
According to the laws governing Iran’s medical centers, services provided to all visitors are equal, and nationality, race, religion, skin color, etc., cannot lead to any difference in the care and treatment plan. Therefore, each individual (Iranian or non-Iranian) has equal rights.
Patients' Rights Charter in Iran
  1. It is the patient’s right to receive optimal health services.
  2. Information should be adequately and appropriately provided to the patient.
  3. The patient's right to freely choose and make decisions in receiving health services must be respected.
  4. The provision of health services must be based on respect for the patient's privacy (right to solitude) and observance of the principle of confidentiality.
  5. access to an efficient system for handling complaints is the the patient’s right.